Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Arrival will be as followed:

School starts promptly at 8:00 AM. 

Students arriving after 8:10 AM are considered late and must be escorted into the building through the main entrance to be signed in by their parent/guardian.  

Late students should not enter the building without their parent/guardian. 


Kindergarten & First Grade – Main Entrance

Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade - 86th or 87th Street Small School Yard Doors

Dismissals will be as followed:

Kindergarten - Fourth Grade will be dismissed at 2:10 PM.

Fifth Grade will be dismissed at 2:15 PM.

Kindergarten: 86th street Large Schoolyard

First Grade: 87th Street Large Schoolyard
Second Grade: 86th Street Large Schoolyard

Third Grade Class 3/4/5-506: 86th Small school yard, closest to Ridge
Fourth Grade: 87th Small Large Schoolyard
Fifth Grade: 86th Street Large Schoolyard