School is CLOSED today!
Students will not be in attendance on this day.
VIRTUAL Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held via Zoom on Thursday November 7, 2024 from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM and from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM.
You can arrange an appointment for Parent Teacher Conferences on your child’s Google Classroom, beginning on Thursday, October 31. On the form, please:
Indicate if you would like an interpreter. Please note – due to interpreter availability, it might be necessary to schedule your appointment on an alternate day.
Select your preferred time slot and the classroom teacher will notify you of your appointment time.
You can also sign up for a time with the cluster teachers, ELL teacher and IEP Teacher. Please note: Cluster teachers see the entire school population; therefore, it is impossible for them to meet with all parents/guardians. Only sign up for a cluster meeting if you have a specific concern about your child. The cluster teachers will reach out to you, via email, with an appointment time.
All Zoom meeting links will be found on your child’s Google Classroom page, on November 7.
This is an opportunity to speak with your child’s teacher about their academic progress. If you believe you need to speak to your child’s teacher longer than 10 minutes, you can contact the teacher directly to schedule an appointment.
Report cards will be posted on your NYCSA Account at on December 12th. If you have difficulty accessing your NYCSA account, please reach out to Ms. Kruger at 718-745-6610 (press 4) or over email at